Inntel Hotels loyalty program BusinessOur HotelsWe appreciate every guest and booker and try to make every visit special. For every one that books we, therefore,...
Inntel Hotels Utrecht Centre officially opened Our HotelsUtrecht, April 5, 2019 On Thursday the 4th of April, Inntel Hotels Utrecht Centre is officially and virtually opened by...
Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Landmark – Expected opening 2021 Our HotelsThe luxurious 4-star Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Landmark in Amsterdam is expected to open its doors in 2021. According to plan,...
READY IN 2021: INNTEL HOTELS AMSTERDAM LANDMARK NewsOur HotelsOn the 15th of February 2017 Inntel Hotels signed an agreement with Oostenburg SGN for a parcel on Oostenburg in...
Inntel Hotels en VolkerWessels Vastgoed sign realisation agreement hotel Scheveningen NewsOur HotelsScheveningen, January 9th 2014 Inntel Hotels and VolkerWessels Vastgoed signed a realisation agreement for a new hotel at the Noordelijk...