A hotel feeling at home LifestyleOur HotelsOur HotelsThere’s no place like home, but sleeping in a hotel is a luxury you need sometimes. We’re glad to share...
Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Centre Our HotelsThe DNA of Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Centre consists of hospitality, wellness and Amsterdam. Throughout the whole hotel you’ll find references...
The best sauna visit WellnessIt’s very important to relax and what better way to relax than with a sauna visit? We love to help...
The High Tea Experience Food & DrinksFinger sandwiches, scones, cake, but mostly pots and pots of tea. Those are things that usually come to mind when...
World Coffee Day Food & DrinksLifestyleWhat type of coffee do you prefer? Nowadays there are many different possible answers. There are so many different coffee...
Escaping Christmas CitytripsFor some people it is the most wonderful time of the year, others find the holiday season to be obligation...
Inntel Hotels loyalty program BusinessOur HotelsWe appreciate every guest and booker and try to make every visit special. For every one that books we, therefore,...
READY IN 2021: INNTEL HOTELS AMSTERDAM LANDMARK NewsOur HotelsOn the 15th of February 2017 Inntel Hotels signed an agreement with Oostenburg SGN for a parcel on Oostenburg in...
Inntel Hotels Utrecht Centre to settle in new Noordgebouw NewsUtrecht, 18th January 2017 Inntel Hotels and development combination Noordgebouw Utrecht vof (Dura Vermeer Vastgoed and VORM Ontwikkeling) have signed...